
Howdy World!

Rejection slips have gone out for a majority of the submissions we got for our upcoming Dying Earth anthology.

I sent a few acceptances, but there are more to send. I’ll make those final decisions sometime later this month.

Until then, I thought I’d share the stats. We all like stats, right? Here we go:

Number of stories submitted: 61

Average story length: 3,836 words (1,000 minimum; 9,100 maximum)

Number of stories rejected (so far): 37 or 61%

Of those rejected, the average story length was 3,897. The minimum story length rejected was 1,100 words and the maximum was at 9,100.

As it happens, all the stories over the suggested word count were rejected. Good reason to stay under those guidelines. Just saying…

Number of stories accepted (so far): 5 or 8%

Do these numbers mean anything? Maybe. Maybe not.

But they are interesting. Most publications’ (paying or non-paying) acceptance rate is around the 1 to 10% mark. We’ll be a little higher than that, but not much.

I still have 20 stories to read and contemplate. They all won’t end up in the anthology, but each is worthy of publication. So, if your story does get rejected, it’s not the story, it’s us.

Until next time, keep submitting!

Get it out of your system